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6 Surprising Benefits of Basmati Rice

6 Surprising Benefits of Basmati Rice

a blue bowl on a barn board tabletop filled with cooked basmati rice

Most of us believe that rice is bad for our health. However, Asian people consume rice on a regular basis and still don’t complain about health problems linked to high carbs. The secret lies in Basmati rice which is scientifically proven to be a healthier option.

Check out some amazing benefits of this variety of rice:

  • Diabetes-Friendly
People with diabetes are supposed to say goodbye to their favorite pasta and rice. Although, here is a good news for those diagnosed with diabetes. According to the Diabetes Association of Canada, Basmati rice has a way lower glycemic index than any other rice. The low glycemic index is essential for people with diabetes. The good amount of fiber, starchy carbs, amylase, and protein in basmati rice makes it low on the glycemic index. It does not increase the blood sugars, which means lower insulin responses within a meal.
  • Healthy Heart
Basmati rice has lower saturated fats content which makes it a healthy option for your heart. However, the unsaturated fats present in Basmati rice have less bad cholesterol and it prevents clotting. Moreover, a high amount of fiber provides a healthy cardiovascular system.
  • Prevent formation of Cancer Cell
As compared to any other brown rice, basmati rice contains nearly 20% more fiber. The biggest benefit of fiber is its ability to prevent the formation of cancerous cells. Researchers have found that fiber intake prevents many forms of cancer, especially colon cancer. Moreover, the consumption of whole grain brown basmati rice is found effective in preventing breast cancer because fiber helps the body in eliminating estrogen hormones.
  • Support Weight Loss
It is a well-known belief that rice is your biggest enemy for weight loss. However, basmati rice, particularly boiled one, can actually benefit in your weight loss attempts. It’s good for dieting and maintaining a healthy weight because of its fiber content. Fiber breaks down in the body slowly, controls your appetite and makes you feel fuller for a long time. Moreover, it has a high amount of amylose, a type of carbohydrate that is more difficult for the body to digest.
  • Controls Blood Pressure
Regular consumption of brown basmati rice can help people diagnosed with hypertension. This variety of rice contains a high amount of magnesium and potassium which helps in reducing the blood pressure.
  • Aids Digestion
Again, the soluble fiber present in basmati rice helps in promoting the movement of material within your digestive system. A lower fiber diet is associated with the problem of constipation. Therefore, people suffering from digestive and constipation problems can benefit by including Basmati to their daily routine diet.


Hopefully this article was informational and worth reading through. 
Thanks for sticking around to the end!

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